
Nedan finner du filmer inom terapiområdet.

Chronic Pancreatitis

Summary of scientific publication:

“United European Gastroenterology evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy of chronic pancreatitis (HaPanEU)”

J. Matthias Löhr et al. United European Gastroenterology Journal 2017, Vol. 5(2): 153-199.

Summary of scientific publication:

“Nutritional Therapy in Chronic Pancreatitis”

J. Enrique Dominguez-Muñoz, Mary Phillips. Gastroenterol Clin N Am 47 (2018) 95.

Summary of scientific publication:

“Serum nutritional markers for prediction of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency in chronic pancreatitis”

Björn Lindkvist et al. Pancreatology 12 (2013):305-310

Summary of scientific publication:

“Fecal fat and energy loss in pancreas exocrine insufficiency: the role of pancreas enzyme replacement therapy”

Friedemann Erchinger et al. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018, Vol 53, 9: 1132-1138.

Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency (PEI)

Summary of scientific publication:

“Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency”

J. Enrique Dominguez-Muñoz. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2018, 34:349-354

Pancreatic Cancer

Summary of scientific publication:

“Enzyme replacement improves survival among patients with pancreatic cancer: Results of a population based study”

Keith Roberts et al. Pancreatology 19 (2019) 114-121.

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